16 Jun 2013
The Who at O2, London: They’re the One!
“The Who Breathe New Life Into Quadrophenia”
For more pictures, go HERE.
Set list:
I Am the Sea
The Real Me
Cut My Hair
The Punk and the Godfather
I’m One
The Dirty Jobs
Helpless Dancer
Is It in My Head?
I’ve Had Enough
Sea and Sand
Bell Boy
Doctor Jimmy
The Rock
Love, Reign O’er Me
… And More:
Who Are You
You better You bet
Pinball Wizard
Baba O’Riley
Won’t Get Fooled Again
Tea & Theatre
Great stuff last night at the O2 !!…saw the Quadrophenia show in Vegas in February, thought nothing could top it, but last night was even better…you bet !!
The concert last night was absolutely amazing. I was blown away by this latest rework of Quadrophenia. The extended 5:15 with drum and bass section was outstanding and the live brass section were incredible. Roger and Pete sang their hearts out and their love for the work, their fans and the lost band members was obvious.
After completing Quadrophenia they went on to play many Who classics which had the audience in rapture. An absolutely outstanding night that I will remember forever!
Thanks guys
a great great show last night , one that will live long in the memory , am reliving this morning with the directors cut , a great band and Roger on Pete were really special, for a man of a mere 56 I am awe to see what those 2 guys still produce , thanks again !
Went to see you guys at the O2 last night. Absolutely freakin AWESOME!
The album has been a must for me since it was launched and I still play it every few weeks and try to get my kids into it now.
Cant believe how good last nights gig was.
Thanks Pete, Roger and the crew.
What a fantastic show lads. I have seen the who about 20 times including the indigo and quadrophenia at the royal Albert hall in 2010. The band were really on form and rocked…you better you bet was a nice surprise and the crowd were really up for it. Gary kemp was seated in front of me and he seemed to really enjoy the show too. Nice to see you back on tour. The who mean so much.to me since I was 13 back in 1982. Next show foe me is we blew on 8th July. Can’t fucking wait…
The Who: On Saturday evening I was absolutely staggered at the strength and range of Roger Daltery’s voice and Pete Townsend’s incredible Guitar playing. I am delighted I shall now meet my maker having heard, seen and felt the awesome power of The Who LIVE!
Really don.t know what to say here; Pete, Roger, when I first saw you two 40 years ago I was…stunned. I realized in front of me onstage at Largo, MD were living legends earning their pay check. I will never forget that show and really the finest rock & roll I had or ever did see in my life. Thanks guys I hope to see you soon. Kelly
Saw them three times in Largo, MD, – 1978, 1983, & 1989. At least got to see Moon once, and they were great every time. Love Daltrey’s hair getting longer and curlier again! They can still rock hard!
As per previous comments about Saturdays show except to add that Roger in my opinion gave a manly, truly experienced performance last night and showed that the age of 69 is not the beginning of the end. Likewise Peter showed that he’s still got the moves – brass, superb. Drums, superb, keys, superb also.
Please play some songs featuring brass in the and more sequence – how about Athena?
Highlights for me were “I’ve had enough”. “Bell Boy” “Love reign o,er me” “You better you bet” and “Tea and theatre”.
Saturday at the 02 with my 15year old Quarophenia loving son, Charlie. Myself a Who lover and saw them over 20 odd years ago and was staggered at how they are still sounding as good as ever and still have an energy that is out of this world! Thank you to Roger, Pete and all of the band for your performance last night. You are Legends of the highest order. So chuffed was my boy to see you last night, you have made his day, year!
My only gripe is the amount of money that is charged for your merchandise. £15 for a programe?? £25 for a t-shirt!
Unfortunately my son wasnt lucky enough to get either but will have the memories of a great night watching you with his old man for the rest of his days. I thank you.
Quadrophenia has always been our most favourite album and been listened to for all our married life. Now in our sixties we finally got to see it performed live and the genius and musicianship told the story in a way the albums never could. An epic show finishing with the favorite hits. We flung our arms round each other and burst into tears of emotion and happiness. We will treasure this night always. thanks guys. xx
Since I first saw the ‘Oo in 1975 they’ve been the greatest, they’ve been my band and I’ve seen them many times. Last night at the O2 was truly awesome – it took a while for them to be properly ‘flying, but the passion & connection with the audience was all there, with a team of musicians breathing new life into what for me is their greatest work. Fitting that the staging & concept was largely down to Roger – he’s the biggest Who fan of all! Love Reign O’er me – thanks ….
great show at the 02 in london 15th june,band on form ,loved the production and light show,met simon townshend after the show he signed a copy of his album for me.
The concert last night was one of the Best I have ever seen of The Who, Keith and John solos could have been real….. The encores were fantastic and brought about the finale of an outstanding WHO Concert
Keep it up need lots more Who
I have waited 30 years to see The Who live I was 7 when my dad introduced me to you and I have wanted to see you ever since. Bless him he was not around to be there tonight neither was my Missus who got the tickets for my birthday in February. My God what a show, what a gift what a momentous moment in life. Tonight was an episode and description of my life raw and on show for all to see. Awesome job. Incidentally chaps I found out two days ago I work at your old high school. Acton high is a better place now and you are all remembered as a symbol of hope for those with passion and drive to get the hell away from there. That is to say I tell the kids in my drama lessons
This was my 11th time seeing the band since 1978 & travelled down from Glasgow to the O2 with my my son (19)who had never seen them, but grew up with the music. Absolutely tremendous. Roger’s voice was so sharp and Pete’s playing still as good. What a show !!
Entertained by Mr Daltry and Mr Townshend last night, a formidable performace by the mighty WHO.. confirming their place as one of , if not the best live acts on earth….Mesmerisingly blistering guitar work, from Pete, mull-ti octave vocals of roger and Simon townshend, sent the 02 audience into paroxisms of awe and respect,. Synchronised video of John Entwistle on a base solo, and then with Kieth moon singing Bell boy, on the giant circular video having his mike passed to his video image by Roger… made almost all the audience smile… one woman near me, was looking to the stage to see where the guy playing bass on the video screen was. I told her he had been dead over ten years..the show was without doubt. an example of excellence. 2 hours 20 minutes .. the latter third being as Pete called it, singalonga who!!! and we did…
I will be going to see The Who in Amsterdam in 2 and half weeks time on the 5th of July, together with my father. He was a young lad, when The Who first made hit records in the late 1960’s. It will be the first time I will see the group in reality. I do hope that one of the shows will be released on CD and/or DVD and/or Blu-Ray.
Quadrophenia has always been a big part of my life and to see it live tonight @ the O2 Greenwich with awesome back drops and visuals, Roger and Pete and the whole band … It was unbelievably good! Even Keith and John from beyond the grave absolutely awesome a night never to be forgotten, Thank you !
I enjoy reading your reviews, yet I’m going through withdrawals, having missed the Rhode Island show I’d won tickets for in February. Still gets me.
A most excellent evenings entertainment, Pete and Roger were on top form as were the rest of the band, a long held dream of seeing the Who live has been realised, even John and Keith made an appearance!
Waited 30 long years to see The Who…i was not dissapointed! I cannot explainhow amazing they all were. Possibly the best live performance ever. They put together one hell of a performance.it was breathtaking. The Who are simply absolute legends.
Absolutely STUNNING !!! Came over from Italy to the O2 for the two gigs with my wife, my 17 yrs old niece and a couple of friends and I have never spent better my money and my time!
The “boys” on stage seem always getting better.
Loved the music, the whole show and the singalong and we could all fly back home on the wings of happiness.
Absolutely fabolous performance. We came all over from Belgium to see them. I was at Hyde Park to n june 1996. But this show was much better. They will stay forever my “ALL TIMES FAVORITES”. José Goreux – Belgium
Awesome – as expected. A guy in his twenties couldn’t believe that those two old ba****ds had entertained him more than any other concert – how?. Talent, passion, energy and more Talent – thats how!
Having followed the band’s career from the beginning but never managing to see them live I wasn’t going to miss this. The performance and sound quality were both exemplary and the way in which Keith and John were included was both technically brilliant and very touching. The encore couldn’t have included a better track list and finished in a way that was exactly what I would have asked for. It’s still ringing in my ears a few days later. One to take to the grave! As Roger was heard to say – “Rock ’til you drop, better than a slow smelly death”. Good advice indeed.
Went along as a last minute thing as a friend of mine had a spare ticket… so glad I did! Quadrophenia in full plus a superb greatest hits set, Keith and John back from the great gig in the sky, audience full of love for the best rock and roll band in the world… and my ears are still ringing nearly 24 hours later!
Heard about the show on Saturday and bought a ticket outside..
Always wanted to see The Who and after a quick journey on the Jubilee line I was given a fabulous night in the o2..nice security and atmosphere throughout
The who elevated that experience with an amazing band, sound and visuals
Compared to the last show I saw there..?.this out ranked it audio and lighting wise
The theatrics and sheer musicality of the night was gorgeous and so entertaining..totally apt lighting and video complimented a difficult album
Cannot wait to see Wembley and more Who shows..bravo to all involved.
An incredible and intimate night with the history…. Roger and Pete ….. and Keith and John…. and the whole band … gave to me and my seventeen daughter Giorgia vibrant emotions that never forget… we move from Italy to see the show and come back to our land happy to have witnessed a unique evening. thanks Who !!!!!! We love !! Gianluca and Giorgia.
Thanks guy’s for a brilliant performance, yep you old F*****s still have it, so carry on & rock till you drop! A dream come true to see The Who. Keep the faith because we are the mods!x
Totally amazing night – it wasn’t just a concert it was a journey. A truly wonderful conert that included he whole band.
It had been 12 years since I saw The Who and they were just as great and In fact this show was better. what a show!
As my father was one of the Mods who stormed the southern beaches of the 60’s, he brought me up with a clear and proper taste in music. The Who being at the forefront of that long list of great bands. Finally realised a dream of around 30 odd yrs to get off my arse and take the journey and see the Who live. Rodger, Pete, Simon, Pino and co led me through an album that has been a mainstay in my life and one i use to measure other bands (sadly all but most fall very short)! Excellent choice of support act in Vintage Trouble, they set the night up nicely! To Rodger and Pete thankyou so much for all the music. Thankyou for creating a concept that helped during the loss of my father and to the rest of the band also, thankyou for creating the greatest concert i have ever been too! Nothing will ever come close to Sunday 16.6.13.
I am 52 years old, and I have been a Who fan since the mid seventies. I was the happiest man on earth, when I finally saw them in Hamburg 2007. But this concert?! Rogers voice was even better, and the english fans was a much better audience than the germans. My wife and I travelled all the way from Aalborg, Denmark, and we were EXCITED! THIS WAS THE BEST CONCERT I HAVE EVER SEEN, IN THE LAST 40 YEARS: Thanks to Roger, Pete, the band and especially the English fans! You are the greatest! THANK YOU!
According to my last comment: There must be a DVD/CD release of this show! 15/02/2013. A great night in Who history!
17 days till Amsterdam! Can´t wait to see you!
The who were awesome quadrophenia is the best album ever and to see them perform it live was a dream come true.
It was better than expected those guys still set the bench mark for live acts.
Great tribute to Keith and john too sadly gone but never forgotten.
Thanks for an unforgettable night.
Glad to read that it seems to have gone well on the second night also.
I loved the “city on the edge of forever” time portals and the montages were excellent – how about some footage of the Falklands though to show we occasionally do something right?!
I hope it continues to go well.
What a night the 16th June was. Took my fiancée to see without doubt the greatest band of all time and we were not disappointed. The bits with the ox and loon the moon were also extra special and to cap it all off I had the pleasure of meeting Simon Townshend as well. It will be one night I won’t forget in a hurry and I can’t wait until they gigg again in the uk. Big respect to pete and roger.
Russel and sue
We were in London O2 saturday night me, my husband and two friends of mine came from Florence to see the show Quadrophenia!
I’m so excited to think about saturday night yet. Thanks Roger, your voice is really fantastic. Thanks Pete, I’ve been reading your book… Thanks both you’re the greatest band in the world! Hope to see you again as soon as possible. In Italy?
I was lucky enough to be at the O2 London in Sunday 16 June to see The Who (once again). They never disappoint. Great sound. Great to hear Quad in full, this has always been my favourite album. In particular I thought Roger had a great night – never missed a note. The syncs with film recordings of John and Keith were unexpected and went down as if they were playing there live! Thanks.
I finally ticked the box! Attended the O2 & saw The Who… What a fantastic night. It was great how they integrated images & sound of Keith Moon & John Entwhistle into Quadraphenia. How amazing that guys who have been performing for for circa 50 years can still put on such an incredible show. I would have loved to meet them all, especially Keith Moon. Truly the greatest live performers in the history of music.
I was so happy, that was possible for me to see the Who on a wonderful, amazing concert in the O2 Arena London at Sunday the16th. I travelled from Frankfurt Main, Germany and i was so excited. . Since a long time i love the music of Quadrophenia. Thanks on Pete, Roger and the Band for a incredible ,unforgettable evening !
wonderfull !!!!
I flew with my sons Francis (10)and Paul (8) from stuttgart to see the greatest band of all times.
I always visited london only in conection with a performance of the who. 1996 i was in Hyde park and this was the beginning of my london who trips.
The first time i saw them 1975 in sindelfingen with keith and john.
We hope for next year. Best wishes for the band especially Pete and Roger !! Rudi from Ellwangen, Germany
I was at the O2 Arena with my girlfriend on 16 June, we came from Italy for the concert.
I knew the Who’s Quadrophenia from my father’s LP and from the first time it was been something amazing.
Listening the entire album live it was been wonderful, an evening that i’ll never forget.
An evening just pure and easy.
Thank you for your music Pete, Roger, John and Keith.
Hope to see you again as son as possible maybe in Italy!
Took my 12 year old to see The Who in Louisvile, KY USA back in February. I wanted to make sure he saw those that have shaped music for the last half century. He was raised on Who music and a few others so he knew many of the songs. It was shall we say an opportunity to share my youth with him. We always wonder what our parents were like when they were young – this was the best way I knew.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
I first saw The Who at the then called Hammersmith Odeon in December 75, I was 18 and I fell in love with the band, over the years I followed them here and there the ups and downs and of all the bands and music I listened to, The Who were the ones the had the biggest influence on me, for good and bad!
and that is her favourite song. Call me silly call me sad but I felt like she now understands her Dad a bit more and she got to see something that was and still is so important to me. Thanks The Who xxx
June 16th I had the pleasure of taking my 13 year old daughter Holly to see them, her first rock concert. It was pure magic, I cried when they played Baba O’Riley, Holly did not see that
Was fortunate to get tickets to see Quadrophenia in Greensboro, North Carolina in November 2012. I decided that my 11 year old daughter needed to experience this EPIC show…so we saw than again in London on June 16. I believe that I was able to detect a slight difference in the drumming (Zak vs Scott), but I would not dare choose one over the other!
Absolutely the highlight of my concert-going career of 35 years!