9 Nov 2011
Roger and Tommy
Check in at www.www.thewho.com for all info regarding the tour, including remaining dates, venues and ticket availability.
Downloads of the shows are being made available at www.www.thewho.com.
Photo: Michael Martin
Just trying to make mine too Marcos words +:
Hi, Roger = How are you??
I would like to know if The Who will come to Brazil for some concerts. We love you guy for so long that if you guys could com it would a great pleasure/satisfaction for so many Brazilians.
As myself, I am waiting for you guys to come to Texas/USA. I missed you guys last time in Houston/TX, because you got sick and couldn’t sing. I really wish see you guys as you are my Rock Heros. Thanks for all good time in my life with your music. God bless you all!!!
The very first album of The Who’s that I listened to was TOMMY that my hasband bought back in 1969 (I was only 6 years old then). And I really was touched by the music and the story, and the lyrics as well!!! Since then, I’ve been looking for THE ORIGINAL LP’s of The Who. Now I have some of them including MEATY BEATY BIG & BOUNCY and DIRECT HITS. Roger, you are THE ONE AND ONLY TOMMY who can help us all!!!!!!!!
dear who, my boyfriend died in 2001but he loved the who and qudrophenia..the part where he pushed the moped off the mountain after his parents ask him if he’s normal..and when he said..’ what is normal?’… good question..his name was adam duffy…he was 26 yrs old…a londoner..helped him to do his knowledge of london..adam..he was jimmy..plse if u ever do london..mention him..everyone lived him but he killed himself at 26..he was my soulmate and i miss him so much..all i remember that he loved quadrophenia…x
Roger, I am a West London Lad as well, went to school in Holland Park lived in Shep/Bush too. I just want to say I love Pete and his songs and I perform them often in my second job as a guitarist and songwriter. My main job is workinh for The Govt tracking and capturing criminals from abroad, having grown up in our part of London the old adage “Ex- poachers make the best gamekeepers” comes to mind. Despite what is written or recorded in old interviews, yours is the best rock voice ever, your passion and emotion given over to the song is nerve tingling. The Who would have been an ordinary band with great songs, but without your voice and presence, they may never have emerged! I know I have tried to sing those songs! They are hard to get right.
hi send me all news from the who pls and tell me when they come to montreal canada thanks.
The Who great song Baba O’Riley is placed at number 40 on the Best Rock Songs http://www.bestmusicart.com/best-rock-songs.html
por favor vengan a la argentina hace 36 años que , estoy esperando por favor no me quiero morir sin poder verlos gracia martin ARGENTINA DE LOS MEJORES JUGADORES DEL MUNDO
im a musician myself and heard a lot of bands but i always end up with the who what can i say that has not been said all ready never will another group do what they have done with music and i would like to get the chance to sit down and talk to roger unbelievable voice he has.
in 1969 i saw the who do tommy at the kinetic playground in chicago…the kinks did their rock opera victoria to open the show…it was an unforgettable experience….can’t explain how much the who’s music has meant to me over the years…i am an amateur singer songwriter myself and you can check out some of my songs on youtube by doing a search there for maitaifine…thank you for a great musical journey on your magic bus!
Hi Rodger a fellow Gooner I understand great taste. I saw Quadrophenia a few times in the early 90’s and twice this year with my wife who suffers from MS she was blown away with both shows Wembley & O2 arena, Wembley smashed it by miles. I saw The Who in the early 80’s and saw Tommy on stage in London, but like many Who fans would give both left and right testicle to see Tommy I think it would go down a storm all over the world.
All the best.
Roger! I’ve been hounding the labels trying to get the video for ‘After The Fire’, I am a DJ/VJ and would love to play the music video and bring back that song – suggestions, please!
Roger. The who has been my favorite band since I was 11 years old. Well I never got to see the who in concert. I have since turned my entire family into who fans. There is nothing like a suburban full of 9, 7 and 5 year olds singing squeeze box at the top of their lungs. In December (8th) I finally saw the who in Philadelphia. Took my then 8 year old son and wife. Out was amazing to share that experience with my wife and son! Thank you! Keit Moon lives!
I was just wondering if The Who could tour the United States again soon. Even in sad times it’s great to see they travel such a long way to come and let us know they care. September 11th in 2001 and hurricane Sandy in 2012 The Who sored sprits high in New York. I just wish my dad would have seen the band. He’s been gone almost ten years now. I wish The Who would do a contest to let people come see them play. I hope The Who plays on forever.
always like the who.great band.have the album.greatest.hits.blue eyes. watched.quadrophenia.a. few times..pin ball wizard.
Hi Roger! I have been a fan of the Who and yourself since my garage band started doing “My Generation” in 1965 in California.
I’d like to talk about an injustice regarding compilations of Who songs. The song “Dogs, Pt.II” was the flipside of The Seeker, or maybe, “Call Me Lightening” I believe, or it came out about that time. You know that it was mainly a Keith Moon tour de force; I believe it featured one of the best drum solos ever recorded, and sadly, it is not to be found on any compilation. “Dogs Pt. II” not only featured Keith, but the whole band put on an amazing, as well as just plain fun, performance, and it would be a shame if this great song got lost. Could you please arrange for it to be put on the next compilation of Who songs? It deserves….a lot worse songs are featured on my recently acquired “30 Years of Maximum R&B” compilation. It would do Keith and the band as a whole a great favor and justice to see this song available on cd. It really is one of my favorite Who songs, and I have many.
Your fan and friend,
Hey, this comment is for Roger… You probably won’t personally read this, but my dad shared a story with me last night and I though it was pretty cool. Way back in the day, he was on his way to boot camp. On the early flight, there were less than 10 people on one of the huge jumbo style planes. Apparently you and the band were on the plane. When it landed in Philadelphia, I guess you took a liking to my dads shirt — it was a t-shirt depicting a motorcycle shop in Dearborn, MI. You followed him around the airport asking him to trade you shirts and he finally relented and swapped out shirts with you. Even though he knew yours wouldn’t fit him, and not knowing who you were, the thought that prompted him to make the switch was that one day you guys might make it big and it’d be kinda cool to have your shirt. Once you had his, you met back up with your band mates and proceeded to get in the back of a couple limos. He was pretty shocked when a bunch of people got excited and started exclaiming that you were The Who. Kinda neat…
Was at the Winnipeg show last night. I was ready to be a bit disappointed. I mean, 52 years on? It has to start getting to be hard at some point, right? I bought the tickets for the honor of seeing a great, great, GREAT band play one more time. But you know what? It was an amazing show. Couldn’t have been better, unless of course Keith and John could have been there. But the players last night were close to their brilliance. And I didn’t think that was possible. So my only disappointment was that I wasn’t disappointed.
THANK YOU once again. The soundtrack of my life is doing alright.