21 Nov 2012
TOUR DIARY – November 21st, 2012
I have been spreading rumours that Rachel and I would be premiering our orchestral version of Quadrophenia at the Royal Albert Hall Teenage Cancer concert in March 2013. Now we have decided that because the Who tour extends into March and probably beyond into April in the UK that it would be too much for me personally. Rachel’s score sounds wonderful, and will certainly be premiered some time in 2013 or 2014. More on this later.
Meanwhile The Who are now in Canada. Montreal was great. Ottawa tonight. Looking forward to it.
– Pete Townshend, November 21st 2012
For www.thewho.com
Sending the ‘orrible ‘oo huge joy for tonight’s show in O-town! There in spirit. Memories of concerts throughout the 1980’s dancing in my head today. You are loved!
I just watched the pics of your last shows while listening to the great Quadrophenia. I wish I could be over there to take part. But I´m here in Germany and hope you will come here to make us happy too one day
Whish you and your guys all the best and a lot of fun while your tour. Stay healthy.
Kindest regards from Germany,
Pete. I have almost finishng reading your book, “Who am I”, and would like to compliment you on your achiement. The raw insight to your personal lifes struggles, both chemical, and psychological, reveal your strength as an individual to overcome these challenges. Not withstanding your musical ability that has stood the test of time, a true measure of its exellance that today is still in demand and enjoyed by millions of people, you can attest to your own abilities to survive.
So well done Pete. Thank you for your music , and a very good read.
Kieron Moore.
Hi Pete,first of all mate,im a massive fan of you, keith and john!(john being the coolest man to walk the earth)! i spoke to our mutual friend noel gallagher after he played with yous, and he said john just blanked him on and off stage!!! ha ha! all hail the ox! pete im the guitarist and songwriter in the liverpool band space, and ive just read your book mate, and i think ive got a serious fuckin drink problem! space are about to go back on tour pete but im scared if i do its gona fuck everything up with me and my 14 old daughter! me and her mum dont live together any more but i bought them a big house up in rainford village by wigan ages ago,but i sit in my home studio most days on me own.
tell u wat la
i hope im old before i get fooled again!
anyhows, love you new stuff.
jamie space
Pete and Rachel:
One can only do so much in the limited time
of hours in each day.
When the time is right, I will be there to enjoy your efforts, along with Who fans
around the world.
All best,
Barbara Jacobs
Barbara Jacobs PR, NYC.
Thanks for the great show in Greenville, SC. Just bought Rough Mix (what the hell had I been waiting for all these years?) It is a gem of a CD. You should re-release My Baby and put it on I Tunes. Get a whole new generation Pete.
Rough Mix, the greatest with the late, great Ronnie Lane.
Did you get the special re-release Dual Disc with video?
Very good.
That’s our Russell Schlagbaum!
If you liked that, you’ll love :
“The Passing Show — The Life and Music of Ronnie Lane” documentary.
Full disclosure: I did P.R. for that documentary.
Pete doesn’t mind my giving recommendations on his blog.
Thanks Pete!
(“You’ve been posting comments on Pete’s blog again, Barbara!”)
yeah, I’m not alone in goofing Who I Am for Who Am I.
more yeah for the U.K…. the Who performing Quadrophenia and then…then!!!!….the beautiful into 2014.
Back in the early 90s I saw you walking down 6th avenue and all I could say was…”whoa.” I’ve been a Who fan since 1970 and a Pete fanatic sine the first time I heard Empty Glass. Little did I know that over 13 years later I would use the first verse of “Just a Little is Enough” to propose to my wife of now 19 years. (WE invited you to the wedding but never did receive a response)I saw Tommy on Broadway, read Horse’s Neck, saw the Who at least 10 times and finally you at the Supper Club in NYC in 1996. Reading “Who I Am” has been like traveling through my own life and times. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for great music and great times. Thank you for saying in music what I was feeling at 13, and again at 29, and 40. I am lucky enough to have people in my life who are sending me to Mohegan Sun on December 9th to once again see The Who in Ct for what I can’t believe is now my 50th birthday. I can’t think of a better gift. God bless the Ox, the wild man who I never got to see in person, and both you and Roger. The Who is the music, the spirit, and the crowd. That can never grow old. Your fan, Craig R.
Keep enjoying the Tour Pete.
The Orchestral Quadrophenia from you and Rachel, will be well worth the wait when it happens, and the tidbit I heard, indeed, it sounds wonderful.
I still await your arrival to my hometown.:)
Good read Pete. What a time to live. I have always wondered how your creative process ticked. Thanks for the insight on substance struggles.
Hi Pete,
We need to see you in Vancouver! I’ve been a fan since I was about 13….last time we traveled to Reno and Edmonton to see you as well. But we need to see you in Canada’s third largest City…btw I just finished reading your autobiography. Thank you for honestly sharing your life with us so far….much more to come.
We are looking forward to your concert at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on Friday night.
thank the gods for that Aunt Trilby — she turned a composer into the king
Dear Pete:
You will probably be seeing Tom Wright at the Detroit show.
You gave him a lovely shout-out on the David Letterman Show, the other night.
Please talk to him re:
My treatment for a T.V. show based on
Barbara Jacobs
(“You’ve been sending e-mails to Pete
and posting comments on Pete’s blog again, Barbara!”)
Dear Pete
Greetings from New Orleans. Is there any way, any how ya’ll can head to Southern US with extended tour? Great memories seeing The Who perform in New Orleans at The Warehouse in ’71 and multiple dates in Baton Rouge.
Can’t wait to see THE ‘OO tonight in Minneapolis! I am especially pumped that the centerpiece will Quadrophenia… Long Live Rock!
Dr. StrangeDub
THE WHO What can one say that hasn’t been already noted in the bands 40+ year history of entertaining probably billions of fans…. I have been fortunate to have seen at least 15 Who concerts in the past, wow almost 50 years. My twin daughters now age 40, saw the Who at MSG in NYC when they were 4 1/2 years old. I am embarassed to say that they did fall asleep during the second half of the show!!!! Which only goes to show aside being raised on classic rock, great music is like a lullabye to the young. My children, twin daughters now age 40 and married with children of their own along with my son who is 34 and has children of his own as well had the fortunate experience of being exposed to great rock & roll of the 60’s; even though they were all born in the 1970’s and remembering and reminiscing all the great and amazing concerts they have attended as children and now as adults as well.
Hi Pete, just wanted to say, that I purchased your book WHO I AM, and am now learning about the true scholar and genius known as Mr. Peter Townsend……
Leslie L – Boca Raton, FL, USA
Hi Pete-
7.5 hours ’til your show here in Minneapolis and it’s that same old feeling…can barely stand waiting. My 9th Who show in 5 different decades. The fact that it’s Quadrophenia only ups the ante.
Recently finished your autobiography; loved it of course. Hell, I’ll stop gushing here and just give you the huge Thank You Pete for changing my life and leading me down the path…I’m One. See you tonight!
Hiya Pete, just finished listening to “Who I am”, was a real treat to hear you tell your life story in your own voice, loved it, and love you.
The Who> Forever
Special evening for myself and my youngest son Joe(10)!!
Story is too good to be made up. Picked up Joe early from swimming practice, while running to the van our tickets fell out of my pocket. I didn’t notice until we had parked in downtown. Called my wife- Suzie who was to pick up our daughter-Georgie at practice while we haggled with the scalpers, but didn’t have enough $ to get any new. They found the tix, so we headed back to St.Paul to get them now @ 7:45 with the 7:30 start time. Made it back to our spot that had remained open in the lot around 8:15- no speediing tickets.The ticket scanner said we needed to go to Guest services where they gave us LL seats for Joe’s first real concert!As we took our seats the concert started. Thank you so much for waiting!!!!
Missed talking/photos with Simon before the show. Couldn’t stay late for any chance to see you or Roger and the rest of the band after heartfelt show with school this morning. All the Best!! James
Just to be fair and non-sexist:
When females lose their concert tix, not very often because most of us carry them in our handbags,
I say:
“Park them in your bra, where they will be safe (and moist and warm.)”
I,personally, have parked concert tickets in my bloomers.
The motto of this story is:
Do whatever it takes to avoid losing your concert tickets!
Toronto was superb, and a delight to have it preceded by the book signing (I’m the nerdy middle aged woman in a clerical collar). Thank you for your graciousness, for the honesty and reflective wisdom of your book (hatchet job on to soul as it might have been, sometimes that’s the best way to let the light in and the necessary blood out! Thank you.
Hmm … if you don’t come to Germany in 2013, I’ll come to the UK.
Why is it when big rock stars always seem to miss the whole of Western Canada on their tours?
Roger & Pete, Please come back to the Carolinas again soon! We’re already saving our money for the best tickets. We’ve been fans since 1970. I feel like you’ve recognized our faces in the crowd before. Once in Charlotte, Pete nodded at me as if to communicate “Good to see you again.” Gave me chills. We love you guys so much. Cheers!