13 Nov 2007
For those of you who have paid a subscription fee to get here I hope this missive is not too autumnal. The truth is I am still recovering from the tour, or more accurately from the long period I devoted to the CD and tour, and the domestic mess it allowed to build up back home. I am well looked after at home, but there are some things I simply have to look after myself. You know what I’m talking about.
I am doing some creative stuff that might be interesting to share with Who fans, but it is too early to talk about. I am writing, but even that statement is subject to interpretation. After all, this Blog is writing is it not? This site opened at a quiet time. The genuine excitement around the release of Amazing Journey DVD belies the fact that Roger and I are taking things fairly easy at the moment. We’ve had a few lunches to talk about what went well and what didn’t on the tour, and continue to connect socially and stay in touch. We plan to meet again soon.
Visitors here might fall into two groups. Those who come to get Who news, and those who simply want to get a feeling of connection with Roger and me.
For those in the first group there are rumours inside the Who camp just as there are outside it. The band as a performing machine got up to a pretty slick level by the end of the tour in early July, and we all wanted to try to keep things well oiled. The recent show we did for VW in Hannover demonstrated how quickly the cobwebs form. It was a good show, and a short one, but even so my fingers didn’t always seem to do what I requested. Mind you, it was cold. I myself started the rumour that we might go to Japan and Australia next summer. I have been really keen to try to get there. I can now say that probably won’t happen, at least not in 2008. So nothing on the cards for the Who as I write, except that I am writing.
For those in the second group I must apologise for being so extreme – while preparing the CD, and throughout the tour, I regularly posted on various websites and blogs, and enjoyed getting comments back. Now, suddenly, nothing from me. It’s too soon for me to analyze what’s going on, but let me say my friends here at home are glad I am making time for them again, and I am so happy to be able to catch up with them all. But I do regard as friends the people who want to connect here, but it is a different kind of connection. I suppose after such a long tour it’s understandable I might retreat a little. That is what has happened.
Anyway, this is a start. For today as good as it gets.