17 Jul 2012
Nov 20, 1973 – San Francisco, CA, US
Show Report
Another infamous show in Who folklore – the night Keith collapsed on stage and a member of the audience took over on drums. The Whole concert was recorded on a crude 2-camera video system in B&W which was part of Bill Graham’s personal archive, and the Moon collapsing incident can be seen in Thirty Years Of Maximum R&B Live. ; Tuesday
Do you have any still photos of the Nov 20, 1973 concert at the Cow palace? Or have any way of contacting any of the pros who took ohotos there, like Michael Zagaris? I am in the process of writing a book about that night, focusing on Scot Halpin ultimately taking the stage that night. I would also like to contacft any Who fans or former roadies who were there, for their input. Can youhelp me put the word out?
I was standing about 50 feet in front of Pete Townshend during the entire performance. One of the most amazing things I ever witnessed.
Will there ever be an official release on DVD or Blu-ray of the November 20, 1973 WHO concert at the Cow Palace in San Francisco California. I know there is one that exists out there but it is a very low film quality and very poor sound. In spite of Keith Moon’s passing out this, like many of the bands live performances are always fascinating to watch and listen to.